When contracting professional website design services for a new business website design, one of the first tasks to do before design work can begin is choosing an online host.

There are many website hosting services you can choose from that offer numerous kinds of hosting services.

To find the best host for website design companies to store your site, you must consider a number of factors.

Part 1 of this two-part article focuses on your needs and the types of features to look for to satisfy those needs.

Part 2 will discuss how to find a service that provides great overall service.

1. Know What You Need

Begin your search by discussing your hosting needs with the website design services building your site.

Website size, traffic expectations, content management systems or CMS, script support, software requirements, and other needs are specifications your chosen host must support for your site to upload and run correctly.

2. Account Limitations and Upgrade Options

Hosting companies may limit CPU power and other resources allocated to your newly designed website and suspend your account if limits are exceeded.

If your site has higher numbers of database connections or you expect considerable growth over the years, a shared server may not provide enough space.

Look into the company’s limitations on server resources as well as upgrade options like cloud and VPS hosting so you have all the resources and server space you need when website design companies need to expand your original design as your business grows.  

3. Pricing Plans and Subscription Periods

Website hosts generally offer a few different pricing plans, each offering more features than the previous one.

Compare the plans carefully and take note of what you get at the different levels. In particular, note server space, bandwidth limits, and other variables that increase with price.

Experienced website design services warn about subscription hosting periods that try to keep you contracted for exceptionally long periods of time. Find out whether prices will rise with each subscription renewal.

4. Hosting Features

There are many standard and extra hosting features you can get with different hosting plans.

They may include anything from a user-friendly control panel and installer, FTP/SFTP access, .htaccess file access, and email hosting to extra functions like ecommerce and shopping cart features.

Discuss features with website design companies to know which ones you need to host your site.

5. Trial Periods and Refund Policies

While most website design hosts offer a free trial period upon signup, learn their rules about canceling during the trial.

Some demand high fees to cancel even during the trial period. Make sure you understand the refund policy during the trial period before you sign on.  

To Summarize

As you research different website design hosting services, compare options and limitations to learn which service offers you the most of what website design companies suggest you need.

Website design services then suggest that you look at different hosts based on the actual service they provide to you as a customer by comparing the points discussed in Part 2!

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