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If there is one thing every web designer loves, it's a great looking typeface. Even though all website design services warn their clients about the problems of using too many fonts, there is good news on the horizon.

Website design has evolved recently to put greater emphasis on creative typography. Current trends with website design companies suggest that 2018 is going to be the year of expressive typography.

Typography Is Artistic and Expressive

Every typeface available was created by an artist or website design specialist either to serve certain purposes such as those used for body copy or to express an emotion with decorative fonts.

Whether referring to plain or fancier fonts, each one is an important artistic element that website design services take into account when developing various web layouts.

Fonts can be happy or sad, serious or casual, professional or romantic, and more. The expressiveness of a typeface lends important meaning and feeling to a site. Yet too much of a good thing can ruin the artistic balance of a design.

This is why until more recently, website design companies have used typography in a more contained m   anner as a supporting design element.

Website Design Trends Pave the Way For Creative Type

Interestingly, website design has evolved in the past few years to include cleaner more minimalist and flatter layouts as well as large, high-resolution images and backgrounds. Now typefaces play a greater role.

Large images that could help promote clarity and understanding of a site can affect page load speed and are used sparingly. Minimalist layouts frequently use less text content and more subdued typefaces. Neither of these offers much in the way of expression or the ability to evoke any kind of viewer emotion.

Through this need to add expression back into minimalist layouts, website design services have returned to the typeface. An expressive typeface can effectively portray a brand’s message in a minimalist layout with very few words or the weight of extra image files.

Based on this functional aspect, expressive typography has been reborn among website design companies looking to do more in their designs with less.

Choosing the Right Expressive Typeface

Naturally, the importance when using fonts to portray expression is finding the right one to use. Like other design elements, typefaces and font styles are in and out of being popular.

They can mean different things at different times. Still, there are many beautiful and expressive styles that can work perfectly to improve design effectiveness.

This is also why many brands will pay to have a custom typeface created just for their websites In these situations, companies can be sure their typeface is expressive in the right ways; custom typefaces also increase brand recognition.

Website design is always exciting as trends become popular for a while and then fade away when new trends develop. Most of the time the aesthetic trends adopted by website design companies arise from functional needs.

The same can be said about the growing use of expressive typography. With an emphasis on site speed, minimalist layouts, and simple function at its core, expect to see more website design services using creative and expressive type as a major design element in 2018!

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